Today was a monumental day, not for the achievements we made in school, but because Simeon had his first dental check-up. In fact, we all had dental check-ups today.
Here's where I get sentimental. I went to the dentist at this same office in Philomath when I was just a shy little curly-headed girl. I remember rushing to the door with my siblings (it's a really cool old door with a stained glass panel of a molar on front, roots and all). I loved that door...and now my boys do too. "Mama, it's the tooth door!" I can recall sitting in the waiting room (which hasn't changed much), nervously waiting for my name to be called. Let me bring you into the waiting room: the curtains are dated...they're an old floral pattern of teals, purples, and pinks, the carpet is certainly not of this era, the wood paneling is ugly, the silk flowers remain, though they're faded and dusty. It's not what you think of when you think of the "cool kid dentist". The children's books are old...some of the same ones that I remember reading as a kid. A few more have made their way into the waiting room over the years, but they don't have any Dora (thank goodness). There's no TV to watch...not even an old VHS player.
I remember sitting in that waiting room and wishing I could read for longer. Sometimes I could bring my book back with me to read while I was waiting for Dr. Baker. I remember the flouride treatment and the feeling that I couldn't stand it a minute longer. And then there was the choosing of a prize from the treasure chest when I was finished with my check-up. The only prize remember was a mood ring. I think I gave it to a neighbor.
The receptionist was the same (I love that woman), the hygienists were always friendly (and still are), and today, that same grey-haired dentist (only he's really grey now) greeted each of my boys in turn. There's something very right about it. He knows me. He knows my parents. Our paths have crossed numerous times in this small office space. I remember telling Dr. Baker about our big basketball win in high school (the year when we were first in the state) and I remember coming in when my crown fell off during a college scrimmage. I remember telling him about the real reason for my gum recession (though I think he might already have suspected it). I can recall telling him about my first pregnancy, my second, and my third. He's not a big talker, but he's a kind man. And now he knows Aidan, Dominic, and Simeon.
I'm glad that the boys can share a piece of my history. I told them lots of stories today. One day Dr. Baker will be too old to practice. One day I'll have to find someone else. But for now...we have our small town dentist. There aren't a lot of frills, but he knows us.
That closing sentiments exactly! When I go in, they mention you and the boys. I love it. Mom