Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Day One Hundred and Fifty

Dominic and I had to go back to the dentist today. He had a cavity. I had one that needed to be touched up a bit. We both decided to be brave and opt out of the shot to numb our mouths. Dom had no idea what can result from that. I, however, confessed to my dentist that I STILL feel like a five year-old when it comes to him drilling in my mouth. It all went very well, but my sweaty palms were proof of the fact that I certainly feared the worst. I'm glad that's over.

What does the above picture have to do with the dentist? Well, you see, our friend Gary came over to stay with Aidan and Simeon while Dom and I were at the dentist. They broke out the new Play-Doh and Gary made a raft for the boys. Aidan helped to form the pink people sitting in the raft, who represent all of our family members, plus Gary. Simeon suggested that Gary needed a beard and white hair (as in real life). The plan is that we all go rafting this summer. I can hardly wait. They also read a lot of Shel while we were gone. I'd say a good time was had by all.


  1. I have such a fear of the dentist, just reading your post made me a little scared. John has to be the one to take the girls. I get scared even for cleanings. I feel your pain.

  2. Fillings with no numbing? No wonder you don't like going tho the dentist!
