Monday, May 9, 2011

Day One Hundred and Seventy-One


Most Mondays are deemed "Pajama Monday"...unless we have somewhere to go. Today was a pajama day, and we all enjoyed it. We finished reading The Saturdays by Elizabeth Enright. What a delightful book. I can't wait to get the next one in the series. The boys all enjoyed it...immensely.

Back to pajamas...Dominic is usually the one who is most reluctant to get dressed, so he loves pajama days.

Other huge schooling news....

Dominic is reading!!! Video to come soon. :)


  1. Huge news, indeed! Give him a big hug until I get home and can give him one myself. I can hardly wait to have him read to me. Will he? Or is he shy about it?

  2. He's a little shy about it...well, a lot shy about it with other people. But, if you just point out a simple word on a sign or a box in the store and ask him if he can read that word, he'll usually do it.
