Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Day Thirty-Two

We've been learning about wetlands, lakes and rivers in our science lessons for the past two weeks. What better way to take advantage of a sunny day than to visit one of our local wetlands? Jackson-Frazier Wetland is a must-see spot in Corvallis. There's really nothing like it around here. Winding through the wetland is a wooden boardwalk that takes you on a tour through the land of cattails and aquatic plants, reedbeds and cool trees with funky root systems. Its' such a magical place. Since we frequent this spot, the boys were amazed to see how dry it was at this time of year. The last visit we made, it was still very soggy near the path. Early in the spring, when you walk through, it's as if you're walking on water. On this visit, the boys hopped off the boardwalk and discovered that the wetland is also home to the ever-endearing wooly caterpillar. The place was quite literally crawling in them.

Cheers to hands-on science (or science ON your hands in this case).

Today we're doing a bit of research to find out of the caterpillar pictured is a young wooly caterpillar or another species. I decided to let the boys find out for themselves.

Check the other blog soon to see a lot more pictures. The days have been busy and my free time to blog has been spent here. Hopefully I'll have a longer post there soon.

1 comment:

  1. We loved the wetlands! It would be a great place to have a science lesson.
