Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day Fifty-Three

Today we got to go on a grand adventure. Our friends Andy and Melissa took us to Newport to go crabbing in the bay. The boys LOVED it. Not only did they get to ride in a boat, but Melissa let them each take turns steering the boat. As they don't have kids of their own yet, Andy had a great time listening to all their questions and seeing their excitement and curiosity about everything involved with crabbing.

"What do crabs like to eat?"
"I like to watch when you pull the crab traps up, because if I see ONE crab, that usually means there are more." - Dominic
"Can I steer the boat?"
"Can we feed the seagulls yet?"
"Do boats run with gasoline? Diesel?"
"WOW! Look at THAT crab! He's missing a claw!"
"How do you tell if it's a male crab or a female crab?"
"Can we feed the seagulls yet?"
"Can I help throw the crab trap in?"
"What kind of metal is your boat made out of?"
Why is the steering wheel on the right side of the boat? In cars, it's on the left side!"

It was a GREAT time and I was pleasantly surprised that it didn't rain the entire time we were out. It only sprinkled for most of the time and then as we were headed in, it started to pour.

We came home with seven crabs and had a feast, though Simeon was the only one who really like it. In fact, he devoured it.

We only had one mishap when a feisty Red Rock crab attacked JJ's thumb, which lead to the question, "What DO you do when crab latches on to your thumb?"

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