Friday, December 17, 2010

Day Eighty-Four

Today was a busy day, which ended in a trip to Storybook Land in Albany. After waiting in line, in the cold for what seemed like an eternity to the three little ones anxiously anticipating what was inside, we made it in. It was really too dark and crowded to take many pictures, so I turned that camera off and enjoyed watching what was, for Simeon, something beyond exciting. With every step, there was an exclamation of, "WOOK MAMA!" or "Papa, wook at DIS!" or just a simple squeal of delight. And when we got to the electric trains, he could barely contain himself. It was very fun to enjoy it through his eyes. Don't get me wrong, the older boys loved it too, but Simeon stole the show. This was the best photo I had that captured even a piece of his excitement and wonder. It's blurry, but captured that jaw-dropping look.

Cheers to Storybook Land!

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