Saturday, December 11, 2010

Day Seventy-Eight

I'll try to make this brief. A man went under our house to check on our air ducts came back up and said to me, "Well, I have good news and bad news. There is no leak in the air ducts, but you have small friends living under your house. In fact, some of them are quite large." He told me they were "little miceys".

However, after JJ went down the next day to set a handful of mouse traps, he informed me that he had seen a few of them and they were pretty big. "How big were they?" I asked. He held out his hands.

It was then that I realized there were not "miceys"...they were rats.

Whatever they were though, Aidan was not fond of the idea of trapping them with the intention of killing the poor little rodents.

He even went so far as to desig his own trap that would land the "little miceys" in a deep cardboard box where they could be boxed up, taken out, and escorted back into the wild.

In the end, he resorted to protesting.

1 comment:

  1. He is just a neat kid. I like the sign.

    Sorry about the rats though.
