Monday, December 20, 2010

Day Eighty-Six

We went to visit my sister Joy today and the boys got to meet Elizabeth for the first time. Simeon was very concerned when she cried and even more concerned about her belly button. "What's that bwack stuff on her bewwy button?"

He had lots of questions: "Why is she cwying?" "Is dat Ewizabeff?" "Is she Aunt Joy's baby?"

We had a good time hanging out for a few hours and I got lots of baby snuggling time. Sigh...the smell of newborns and their allure. No...I'm not really desiring to be be pregnant again. But boy, oh boy....I have lots of boys...and would love a girl to call my own. Pray for us and our decisions in the future as to adoption as a way of adding another child to our family. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ah newborns.... I like them when they are someone else's these days....

    I do confess, girls are a lot of fun. We will pray.
