Sunday, December 12, 2010

Day Seventy-Nine

Today we celebrated the third Sunday in Advent. It was also the night for our annual "Lessons and Carols" service at church. And I must say, it was the best one yet! The music was wonderful and the sanctuary was full of people, which makes it so great when we all join in on the carols.

The boys both sang in the children's choir and Aidan once again ascended the stairs, stepped behind the pulpit, then onto a stool and read a passage of scripture. He really enjoys this and told me that next year he hopes to be chosen again. I never would have done something like this at the age of seven. I applaud him for being so brave.

And just for the record, I hope that I never hit a point in life where I don't think that children singing "Away in a Manger" is one of the most heart-warming things about the Christmas season.

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