Monday, December 6, 2010

Day Seventy-Three

Today was St. Nicholas Day. We celebrated by putting our shoes out on the doorstep and waiting anxiously for them to be filled with goodies. I love that the boys are still at the age that they don't suspect US of putting the gifts in their shoes (even when it's really obvious).

After breakfast, the doorbell rang and three busy bodies scurried to see what had been left for them. They each received a small flashlight and a little candy. The Papa and Mama got a bar of chocolate. Oh, the joys of holiday traditions.

But, best of all, this is the time when we encourage in our own children the love of giving to others...especially in secret. My prayer is that throughout this season, we will be reminded of how rich we are and take joy in giving to others as Nicholas did...without seeking to be seen or applauded. May he give us hearts that long to bring comfort to others, minds that are often thinking of those who have little....and may we act on our thoughts.

"It is more blessed to give than to receive." - Acts 20:35

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